Aspire Youth Development

Aspire Youth Development
Leadership Development Mentoring Staffing Agencies Employment Training Corporate Training & Development
Curtis Myers is the Founder & President of Aspire which he started in 2003 to pursue his passion of equipping young people with leadership skills. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania-Wharton School of Business, he has worked for various organizations in the social work, education, and youth development field for the past 30 years. As a college student, he served as a middle school mentor/counselor with the CORP and LEAD programs in Philadelphia. These experiences developed his passion for working with young people as well as his benefiting from great mentors throughout his life including coaches, teachers, and peers. Curtis is committed to providing programs to transform lives in communities throughout our region and nation.
Aspire equips the emerging workforce through innovative career services and leadership training. Our workforce development programs prepare young adults for their careers through workplace skills training, work experience opportunities, and academic and vocational skills training. We develop a pipeline of talented young adults to meet employer needs, both now and in the future. Our professional development programs prepare new and existing employees for success in the workplace with topics including Professionalism Bootcamp, Connecting with Emotional Intelligence, and Applying the Strengths of a Multigenerational Workforce.